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Design & Art Illustration & Drawing

Oil Painting

$55/hr Starting at $55

Oil Paintings with high level of quality in traditional realistic, natural style. I work with real oils on canvas or paper with one or several preliminary sketch/es at the first stage. Then I proceed with the painting which I send in high quality and resolution in digital file after completion. I can send the original too by postal service if it's required. I master all subject matters, specially portraits, animal and Nature themes, as well as products and events. 


$55/hr Ongoing

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Oil Paintings with high level of quality in traditional realistic, natural style. I work with real oils on canvas or paper with one or several preliminary sketch/es at the first stage. Then I proceed with the painting which I send in high quality and resolution in digital file after completion. I can send the original too by postal service if it's required. I master all subject matters, specially portraits, animal and Nature themes, as well as products and events. 

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Animal IllustrationArchitectural IllustrationBook IllustrationChildrens Book IllustrationCover ArtIllustrationNature IllustrationOil PaintingPaintingPortrait IllustrationPortraitsProduct IllustrationRealistic IllustrationScientific IllustrationSports ArtTraditional Artist

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