I am an Assistant professor in Computer Science & Engineering Department since 2009. I have submitted the Ph.D thesis & also having M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering, M.Sc In Computer Science. I have published a great number of SCI journals, Conference papers, Book Chapters. All SCI Journal have the average impact factor more than 2.5.By passion I am a creative & jingle writer. I wrote a jingle for English premier league football at 2004.I can teach my students by an interesting story telling approach where I can swing the class session as per their psychology. EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: LIST OF PUBLICATION KINDLY CHECK THE FOLLOWING LINK: (Google Scholar Link): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Pu_JxT4AAAAJ&hl=en (Researchgate Link): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anirban_Mitra13 RESEARCH: • Currently pursuing Ph.D (registered in 2014) from University Of Calcutta on the topic “Glaucoma analysis and detection from retinal image”. The thesis is ready to be submitted. PROFESSIONAL PROJECT: • “A Secured Child Care System Using RFID in IOT”, Project ID: RDUG2017031. Funded by IEI, 2017-2018. HOBBIES: • Anchoring, Creative writing, jingle writing, playing Mouth Organ and Djembe. • Watching interactive programs on some news channels. • Participating in the Debate Competitions. ACHIEVEMENTS • Selected as the best speaker from Computer Society of India at 2004. • Selected as the best single writer for Star Sports & ESPN on English Premier League.