PPTS has OpenERP specialists because of its exposure to multiple domains like CRM, HRM & Payroll, ERP, and e-commerce. Our mission is to become the best solution provider in this space. The Open ERP customization includes the below and not limited to: 1. Migrating From older system to newer OPEN ERP system. 2. DB Management 3. Modules which have been customized are a. Accounts [US Accounts] i. Sales ii. Suppliers iii. Accounting Periods iv. COA v. Invoice b. Banking i. Authorized.Net/ACH/E-Check c. Budgets d. Warehouse and Inventory Management e. Human Resource and Employee Management/Payslips f. Medical Module i. Purchase and Stock ii. Patients Tracking g. Dashboards 4. External System Integration [Migration] a. Bill.com b. Expensify c. QuickBooks – Migration d. UltiPro e. Zoho f. External API 5. Mapping Via ETL