Oracle Utilities delivers proven software applications that help utilities of all types and sizes achieve competitive advantage, business performance excellence and a lower total cost of technology ownership. Oracle Utilities integrates industry-specific customer care and billing, network management, work and asset management, mobile workforce management and meter data management applications with the capabilities of Oracle's industry-leading enterprise applications, business intelligence tools, middleware, database technologies, as well as servers and storage. The software enables customers to adapt more nimbly to market deregulation, meet ever-evolving customer demands and deliver on environmental conservation commitments. Additionally, Oracle Utilities helps utilities prepare for smart metering and smart grid initiatives that enhance efficiency and provide critical intelligence metrics that can help drive more-informed energy and water usage decisions for consumers and businesses. We are Oracle Utilities consultants providing solutions in arenas like Customer Care and Billing, Work & Asset management, Oracle Utilities Business intelligence, Mobile work force management, Network management, Meter Data Management (Lodestar). Our Oracle Utilities practice fecilitate service offerings to the companies who want to implement and make significant improvements to their IT and business operations. The key service offerings include: Implementation Migration and Application Upgrade Application Support and Development We are the Oracle Utilities consultants and have in-depth Industry expertise that enables us to deliver solutions through a proven Implementation Methodology adapted for effective engagements that save time and are cost effective. We have a strong and considerablly rich experience in Oracle and have worked to develope and provide excellent solutions to our customers.