WE ARE INFUSIONSOFT, AND ACTIVECAMPAIGN Cerified! Whether you are new to Infusionsoft or ActiveCampaign or have been using your application for years we can design and implement a marketing plan to increase your profits and drive your business to the next level.We will analyze your business needs and work with you to design the best marketing tools to fit your business. Lilybug Marketing is a one stop shop for Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign set up and implementation, custom template design and 3rd party plugins and add-ons. Consulting/Coaching |Set Up &; Implementation | Kick Start Services|Integration with third party applications |See more at: http://marketplace.infusionsoft.com/consultant/your-e-solution-0 We bring strong interpersonal and organizational skills and a keen ability to multitask a variety of challenges and responsibilities.