Alfyori is a group of expert graphic artist freelancers from Indonesia.
Started as a small group of two people, our strength has now increased to 5.
Visit our Website at
Our mission is to finally come up with a big team that can handle projects of 14 categories so that if you have any problem you can just come and post your projects to our website.
Graphics Artist, Web Designer, animator, Cartoonist and illustrator:
1. Animation flash cards
2. Banner flash and static
3. Caricature
4. Cartoon Characters
5. Comics
6. Digital Painting
7. Ebook & Software Cover
8. Flash Animation
9. Flash Intri Web
10. Flash Website Design
11. HTML Website Design
13.Logo Design
14.Pixel Art
Right now we expertise in the fields as mentioned in the "Area of Expertise" field.
Give us a chance and you wont regret.
2D digital art is part of our skills which is also played the important role to create graphic elements or designs that significantly support my