Over 10 years in IT consultancy/architecture, covering system integration; CRM; knowledge management; data warehousing; e-Commerce; financial solutions and search technology. Now building my own online media start-up in web strategy, ePublishing and eServices.LANGUAGES: English (native), Japanese (intermediate), Spanish (basic)LINKED IN: linkedin.com/in/pauldaley21LOCALES: Barcelona | London | Japan | USAONLINE MEDIA CONSULTANCYOffering end-to-end web solutions in in web strategy, ePublishing and eServices,with specialization in the creation of unique and engaging content. Backed by knowledgeable web marketing professionals and a capable web design team, the content developers are equipped with the right skills to write SEO based articles and blogs.IT CONSULTANCYOver 10 years in IT consultancy/architecture, project management covering solutions architecture, system integration; CRM; CSM; knowledge management; data warehousing; e-Commerce; financial solutions and search technology.CREAT