I am IT engineer 10 years experience as programmer of business and technological applications.
IT engineer, first-class honors of IT College.
Beautiful wife and two sons.
Travels, physics.
4 years of experience as programmer amateur and student.
6 years of experience with MS Windows applications in international Polish/German company
IT projects
Control system of metal fatigue research (individual solution, programmer).
(Builder C++, WinApi32, assembler, sql)
Telephone Service Provider (TSP/TAPI) monitor as NT service (team solution, programmer).
(Visual C++, MFC, TAPI, XML, DHTML)
Telephone Service Provider (TSP/TAPI) application for PABX Alcatel Office (team solution, programmer).
(Visual C++, Alcatel CSTA, TCP IP)
TeliMan TAPI application (team solution, programmer, long time project)
(Visual Basic, Visual C++, COM, Visual Basic.Net)
VCL/COM component Viriual List View (individual solution, programmer).
(Delphi, VC