Developed a a real-time stock/futures
analysis program in Visual Basic. Retrieved real-time futures data
from the Realtick API and calculated buy/sell indicators in real-time.
Developed a database driven website used to track futures/stock quotes for a contest web site. Implemented in PHP/MySQL.
a Futures Quote Retrieval system. The application retrieved data files
from a data server, parsed the data and stored it in a mySQL database
for use by a futures trading website. The application was developing
using Visual Basic and ADO.
Developed an electronic parts
database to track thousands of the companies parts. It was designed to
be user friendly, and have powerful searching/updating capabilities.
Implemented in PHP and mySQL.
Created device drivers under Windows NT for data acquisition and signal processing card for the PCI bus. Programmed in C.
software to drive/control farm equipment without a driver using a