Self taught - Python, 2003 for browser based game automation, mouse/keyboard control (human action mimic) type. Developed python systems controls and artificial intelligence (reflex agents) in a very hostile (to bots) environment, as there were many developers of the games I automated introducing new features constantly to detect bots. Community Teaching Assistant - 2012-2013, CS188.1x from This UC Berkeley Artificial Intelligence class was offered for free through edX, and in the first offering I was asked to be a CTA after only a few weeks of the class, because of my sizeable contributions to the forums with both the AI concepts from the class and the python background necessary to complete the projects. I completed the first offering of CS188.1x with distinction and also helped some in the same position with the second offering of the course. Self taught - Common Lisp, 2013. Was looking for a challenge and a deepening of my understanding of computers. Got both, and also gai