I will provide a blue print of 9 step guide on how to invest in tax lien and deeds.
You will learn what are tax liens, how bidding works at the auction, difference between tax lien and tax deed, which state are lien states and which states are deed states
I can also provide Tax lien and deeds lists, auction dates, auction sites, property due diligence guidance
Everything you need to kick start your overages / surplus funds business
-Cold calling service for lead generation
-Custom script with common objections
-Letters(introduction and follow up)
-List (including hard to find but high dollar amount mortgage lists)
-Custom credibility website
-Custom credibility YouTube channel
-Other credibility omni presence channels
-Probate leads demystified (many leads are probate leads)
-Skip tracing
-Credibility on Google with first page listing
-Homeowners purchase/finance/foreclosure history
-How to buy bad debt and claim overages(advanced highly profitable strategy)
-Ongoing email support
-List of lawyers that handle overages cases
-Most frequently asked questions new overage finders face when dealing with their first overages claim
-Sample of real live call with a difficult prospect
-Sample role play on how to handle the difficult objections
I will provide wholesaling leads, support, role play calls, virtual assistant service, cold calling, letters