With so much information out there nowadays, everybody thinks they can be a copywriter. I mean, all you need is just decent English and writing skills right? Unfortunately, that doesn't work. I've been on the other end of things, searching for professional copywriters to help me in the e-commerce company that I was working for. We did find good talent - great writing, impeccable grammar; but weirdly, sales just didn't pick up. That was when I decided take things into my own hands, and learn how to create copy on my own. This is what I've learned: To write stellar copy that sells, you don't only need good writing skills. The most important quality is to actually understand your audience's needs, and write in a language that resonates best with them. It was safe to say that since I understood these principles, engagement and sales in the business skyrocketed. Now, I'm eager to help other companies do the same! I'd love to understand more about your product, your company, and most importantly, your target audience. Together, we can create copy that not only gets people's attention, but actually get them to convert. All you need to do now is get in touch and send me a brief description of what you're looking for, and we can the process started!