• Performing Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing of Web Applications both manual and using automated tools. • Tools Used: o Automated Tools: HP Web-Inspect, Nessus, Qualys Guard, Acunetix, IBM AppScan, Burp Suite Pro, OpenVAS o Freeware Tools : Metasploit, W3af, OWASP-Zap, Fiddler, Dirbuster, Echo-Mirage, Soap-UI, Wireshark, Wapiti, Nmap, Netcat, Sqlmap, Sslstrip, Agent Ransack, Yasca, Findbugs, TestSSLServer tool, Sslyze, SpikeProxy, Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool and various Firefox security add-ons along with Kali Linux tools • In-depth knowledge of OWASP top 10 and OSSTMM methodology • In-depth knowledge WASC Threat Classification • Good understanding of OWASP Testing Guide and Secure Software Assurance (SSA) checklist for web application-security testing • Good understanding of Threat Modeling • Good understanding of OWASP based Secure Code Review • Suggested a trust based routing algorithm for AODV and DSR routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Network under Wormhole Attack during M.Tech Thesis • I have around 4+ years of experience in Application and Network Security Domain. • Languages Known : Basics of C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, SQL, Html, JavaScript and Linux Commands