I have experienced with Penetration Tester and Vulnerabilities Scan Report, as a Cyber Security Consultant, expert in Kali Linux OS which is known as the most secure and Penetration Testing OS.
Technology is changing every second and Network Security is important for the system.
1. Find open ports and detects security risks
2. Vulnerability assessment(web and network endpoint)
3. Identify devices running on your system
4. Penetration testing
5. security solution implementation
6. A solution to the problem in Kali Linux
7. Analyze Your network and web
8. Linux OS Installation(VMWare, Single OS, Dual Boot(Windows+Linux))
9. Troubleshooting(windows+Linux)
10. Virtual & Technical Assistance
Full hands grip on OWASP ZAP, OpenVas (gvm), Nessus, Burp Suite, Social Engineering Toolkit, Metasploit, Netcat, Nmap, Wireshark, Kali Linux.
Hands-on practice:
1. Hack the box
2. Try hack me
3. CTF
4. INE
Providing the information your company needs to be secure through Award-Winning cutting edge technology and industry expertise.