As a junior pentester, I am proficient in using Bash and the Linux terminal to perform various tasks related to network security and vulnerability assessments. With Bash, I can create custom scripts to automate repetitive tasks, parse through large amounts of data, and quickly gather information about network devices.
The Linux terminal is also an essential tool in my arsenal, allowing me to perform a wide range of tasks related to network security, such as network enumeration, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. Using the terminal, I can execute various commands to scan for open ports, identify potential vulnerabilities, and assess the overall security of a network.
Furthermore, I am proficient in using Kali Linux, a powerful Linux distribution for security professionals. Kali Linux provides me with access to a vast array of tools and resources, including Metasploit, Nmap, John the Ripper, and other powerful tools.
Overall, my proficiency in using Bash, the Linux terminal, and Kali Linux, combined with my experience using Metasploit, Nmap, John the Ripper, and Gobuster, enables me to provide comprehensive security assessments and help organizations improve their security posture.