Fast and flawless proofreading and copyediting of nonfiction, academic, scientific or any other sort of writing. If your manuscript needs editing to adhere to high standards, professional proofreading and copyediting will make your works impeccable and unassailable. Modern technical writing, scientific writing and academic writing all demand utmost clarity and precision. The ubiquity and permanence of digital platforms subjects all works to worldwide scrutiny. The simplest oversights in presentation make your words wither in the vine, while costing you rejections, revisions, rewrites, and reach.. The in-depth process corrects spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax, addresses inconsistencies in spelling, enumeration, font usage, hyphenation and capitalization, highlights ambiguous, vague, unsupported or factually incorrect statements, and combs for internal discrepancies. It guarantees your work is ready for the printing press. I’m a professional freelance copyeditor, with a decade of experience in freelance academic, scientific and technical proofreading, line-editing and copyediting of undergraduate and graduate manuscripts. I have working knowledge and editing experience in áreas including social sciences, architecture, urbanism, art history, engineering, applied physics, applied mathematics, sustainability, ecology, and business administration. I have an Engineering degree (BSc-CE) specialized in Structural Engineering, with studies in Sustainable Urbanism.