This service includes:
1: Background removal
2: Image upscaling and overall quality increase (noise removal, sharpness enhancements, dpi check, cropping, pixel format check-up, etc.)
3:Real estate image editing (object removal/add-in, sky editing, bracketing, texture enhancements, lights/color/contrast balancing, geometry correction, color editing, etc.)
4: Fashion photo editing (fiber enhancements, color adjustments, dust/spot removal, model editing, etc.)
5:Portrait editing (skin blemishes removal, light balancing, hair enhancements, contrast/color adjustments, etc.)
6: Model editing (full body editing, slim effect, young effect, people editing-in / out, position editing, and full image manipulation)
7: wedding photo editing (professional batch editing, cropping.
8: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom
9 :Product editing ( background remove editing resizing all over)