Laura has been a complete star in creating my Wordpress website for me. She really is the guru of web development.
Right from the start she understood exactly what I wanted and she worked quickly and tirelessly to meet my very perfectionist requirements. She makes invaluable suggestions, gives excellent advice and goes to the nth degree to make my 30-page site beautiful, functional and optimised for my specific audience.
I chose Wordpress because I wanted the option to change the content myself from time to time, and I’d heard that Wordpress was good for this, but I’d never worked inside a website before and I was somewhat wary. Laura has taught me exactly what to do, and she’s created an easy-to-read, comprehensive Wordpress guide just for me. With gentle encouragement from Laura, I've found editing really easy. And of course when I need something more technical doing, she jumps straight in.
I love having my own personal web developer. Thanks so much Laura – I’d thoroughly recommend you to anyone and everyone!
WordPress website development
on Feb 20, 2015