I am specialized in offering personalized solutions to clients which suit their business needs best and future requirements. Always keep in mind the business needs of our vast client base and develop complete, creative and secure application development in PHP/MySql related farm work.
Some of these roles are: - Developer in the following languages: PHP, Python, Ruby, C/C++, C#, VB.NET, ASP, Python & Django packages including django-cms, django-jet, pandas, beautiful soup, haystack, celery, and more - Experience with following technologies: Elastic Search, Redis, Mongo DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Sybase ASE 12, DB2, Asterisk, vTiger CRM, OpenERP, Tornado, Bottle, Django, Ruby on Rails, Zend Framework, Yii Framework, Code Igniter, South, Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Jenkins, RabbitMQ.