If you are looking for someone with a specialization in photoshop, image retouching, or digital content creation, you are at the right place. Having studied printed advertising, designing packages, posters, leaflet, books or business cards are my part of my day-to-day life. Next to this, I started to shift my focus more towards content creation for the digital market too. Image retouching became a big part of my job as I started to create more and more content for social media channels, webshops, or other websites. Currently, I’m working as a digital content creator for a digital accessory brand that has over 300 products listed on various webshops. Most (if not all) of these products needed a lot of retouching and masking. Doing this daily makes me an expert in this field. On top of that, I also have a lot of experience in Lightroom and photography. This means I understand color management well and I’m able to process images for both digital and for print use. If you are looking for a consistent look and quality to all your images, then having this experience can be very helpful. — Adobe Photoshop (8+ years experience) Adobe Illustrator (6+ years experience) Adobe Indesign (6+ years experience) Adobe Lightroom (3+ years experience)