Loan Portfolio Servicing Expertise: payment processing, collections, early intervention, loan modifications and work-outs. Defaulted loan administration: Short sales, bankruptcy, foreclosure, deed-in-lieu, charge-off, credit reporting, remittances, advances validation, and REO management. Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) acquisitions. Loan Servicing and Loan Origination Compliance: TRID, CFPB, Federal Reserve, and OCC, TILA, UDAAP, FCRA, ECOA, FDPA, SCRA, FDCPA and the requirements of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guides. Real Estate Appraisal and Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Quality Control and process management. Risk Management: process mapping and point of failure identification. Enterprise Risk assessments. Transaction Due Diligence: loan pool sales management, credit review and oversight. Portfolio collections and recovery: recovery strategies, call center operations, collections compliance.