Positive Psychology
An Introduction
Martin E. P. Seligman
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
A science Of
positive subjective experience, positive indi-
vidual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve
quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when
pathology that kas dominated So much of our discipine
results in a model of the human being lacking me postive
features that make life worth living. Hope.
anvity, future mindedness, courage, Spintuality, responsi.
bility, and perseverance are ignored or explained as trans.
Tonnations of more authentic negative impulses.
orticles»n ths wileni
issue of the Amencan Psycholo-
gist discuss such issues as what enables happiness,
effects of autonomy and self-regulanon, ox optu
and creatvity come to fruition, The authors outline
point to
stand and butld the actors that allow' idividuals,
nines, and soctnes to
become a science largely about healing. If concentrates on
repainng damage within a disease model Of human func
almost exclusive attention to pathology
leets the fulfilled individual and the thriving community
aim of positive psychology is to begin to catalyze a
change in the locus o psychology from preoccupation onis
with repainne the worst things in lie to also building
The field of positive psychology at the subjective level
is shout valued subtective expenences: well-being. con
tentment, and satisfachon (in the past); hope and optimist
tor the future and lion
and happiness (in the present).
level, it is about positive individual traits; the
capacity for love and vocation, courage, interpersonal
forgiveness, onginality,
future mindedness, spirituality, high talent, and wisdom,
the group level, It is about the CIVic Virtues and the insti-
mbions that move individnals towardbafer
and wor
On this page, I collect a wide array of research articles on Positive Psychology – sorted by sub-domains. In most cases, links lead to PDFs that are available for free.
This page is work in progress – therefore, I am very much open to extending this list. If you feel something should be included, please shoot me an e-mail or write a comment, ideally providing the APA style citation and a link to a PDF. Additionally, please notify me if you find dead links etc. Enjoy – and please share!