During last 4 years, while heading supply chain and commercial operations, I have learned Power Bi and developed Board room reporting visuals which contains followings. 1. Financial Reporting from Gross Sales to EBDT I have also guided various SMEs to prepare their dashboards under Power BI Link to One of my report is as : https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNWI5NzE1YWEtNDE3Ny00OGZhLWJlMGUtYTZmYTRjMDg2MzdiIiwidCI6IjBiNzY3MzYzLTM3NTMtNGNlMy1hY2JiLTFjNmI5YzBmMjQwZCIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D