I provide holistic analytics and visualization services for Power BI. I'm wholly focused on customer experience and satisfaction throughout the delivery of the project. The end product is something I pride myself on and I will always delivery a satisfactory product to your highest standards. I'm happy to answer any and all questions you may have about my services and capabilities. Please feel free to look at the two links attached below, as they are some of my most recent advertised work. I offer the following services: Location Analytics: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTRjZTkzOGYtMWE4Ny00NGM3LWE5Y2YtNTM0NDM2NzMwNzU2IiwidCI6IjgwZDk2NGFkLTFlYmItNGMwNS1iNjQ0LTcyMGVmYTJhMjNmNiIsImMiOjF9 Wine Reviews and Analytics: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMzZkOTYwZDYtYTRjNi00NmFiLTgyMDMtZjZiZGY5NzYyZTllIiwidCI6IjgwZDk2NGFkLTFlYmItNGMwNS1iNjQ0LTcyMGVmYTJhMjNmNiIsImMiOjF9