All Services Design & Art PowerPoint Presentations Share This Copy Link Directly Copy $35/hr · Starting at $50 Instructional design, manuals, reference guides, training aids, presentations, on-line demos (audio, video, animation, etc.). Presentations, desktop support, subject matter expert and training on Microsoft products. Local office newsletter layout/maintenance, reference aids and instructional pieces for local user community. Intricate valuation reports containing linking & embedding. IT Documentation Log: documentation of all routine installations, procedures, protocols, processes Database for loaner computer equipment, Visual schematics (utilizing Visio) and database (utilizing Excel and Access) to design floorplan layout and inventory: employees, computer equipment, telephone equipment, telephone extensions, analog lines, network ports, other phone & networking information Communication Skills Roles with Texas State Bank and William M. Mercer, Inc. required extensive verbal and written communication with all levels of employees. Extensive experience providing traini Skills & Expertise AccessAnimationDesignDesktop SupportEmail ServicesExcelInstructional DesignMicrosoftNetworkingOutlookPowerpointReportsSpreadsheetsTrainingVBAVideoVisioWindows 3 Reviews Shortline says, Great work and responsive for Excel to powerpointon Nov 05, 2009Shortline says, Did good work with responsive follow-up for excel to charts 2on Nov 05, 2009Mark_Feld says, excellent and a pleasure to work with. Extremely responsible. for power pointon Nov 09, 2006