Swimming has been a huge part of my life ever since I was a child. I have a wealth of experience as both a swim instructor and a club swimming coach, and I can guarantee that I will make you or your child a better swimmer after one lesson. With newer swimmers the focus is on learning to streamline, learning to kick, learning to float and getting the swimmer comfortable with putting their face in the water and exhaling air underwater by blowing bubbles. This is the foundation for becoming a strong swimmer. Without a strong kick the hips (and thus the body) sinks, without learning how to streamline the drag forces on your body will drag you down, without learning how to position the body to float swimming is much more arduous, and without getting comfortable with putting the face in the water and blowing bubbles children will struggle to incorporate their breathing into their stroke efficiently. Intermediate swimmers are taught to use their arms in coordination with their legs and body position, which is actually a more difficult task then you might think. These swimmers are taught all four strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly) and the building blocks for each stroke. I am very good at correcting both large and small stroke defects, and will teach your children the proper way to swim each stroke. Long term I can make your children into elite competitive swimmers through my ability to focus on stroke timing, stroke tempo and advanced kicking and breathing mechanics. Timing is everything, and in a medium (water) that is 784 times more dense than air, being as efficient and coordinated as possible with stroke mechanics and body movements is of paramount importance. Learning when to glide and when to accelerate the arms in the stroke, or how to time the kicks with the arms can greatly improve stroke efficiency and/or speed. By adjusting the timing of your child’s stroke, we can increase their “horsepower” and “MPG” in the water much in the