A talented and versatile writer, mastered all aspects of technical communication Respected professional writer with 10+ years of experience who has generated hundreds of Articles, including experience in writing the best articles for sites including articles on business, health, legal, travel and leisure, games and investment.....etc, See my articles samples on my site storeofinfo.com. Key skills include: Writing for Direct-Response Markets Provide a wide range of writing services and expertise to various clients, businesses, publications, and websites, including resumes and cover letters, chapter summaries, articles, writing prompts, how-to articles, and press releases. Notable accomplishments: Regularly work with top websites, including Village U, AcaDemon, and eCopywriters. Provide a wide range of writing and experience services to various clients, companies, publications and websites, including biographies, cover letters, chapter summaries, articles, writing claims, guidance articles and press releases. Notable achievements: Work regularly with top sites, including Village U, AcaDemon, and eCopywriters. Another site, Inland Press, helped create 15 new resume templates that are now being used across the company.