Services Provided (Cheap $75/hour): Experience Summary: Years in Practice - 10 Naiver Engineering LLC has gained most of its experience in water and wastewater distribution engineering and operations. Experience includes project management and design of water and wastewater treatment plants, water distribution pipelines, wastewater collection systems, cleaning and lining sewer projects, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development, water and sewer flow modeling, and green infrastructure plans for stormwater, stream restoration, combined sewer overflow (CSO) system upgrades. The majority of Navier Engineering's experience has been in the development and management of contract plans and specifications for industrial, urban, residential, and commercial sites. The firm has participated on numerous facility improvement/upgrading projects for water, stormwater, and sanitary sewer systems, conducted pilot studies for filter optimization in water treatment, operation and maintenance manuals for high pressure effluent water straining systems, oil sheen sampler design, uni-directional flushing of distribution pipelines, turbine studies, and pump designs. Naiver Enginering LLC has also gained substantial experience in several other areas including air pollution control engineering, transportation projects, air emission data collection, stream monitoring, environmental controls on refineries, monitoring locations on heat exchange configurations, leak detection and repair solutions, and analysis of Discharge Monitoring Reports and Title V permits.