I have been creating high quality and excellent applications in the past 5 years. I have developed many Android and iPhone/iPad apps, so I am proficient with any mobile projects. I have following experiences: - Excellent technical knowledge of and Java and Swift for Android and iOS development. - I am familiar with Android Studio and the Eclipse IDE, Apple Xcode. - Demonstrates strong experience/knowledge of the Android SDK and iOS Frameworks. - Good understanding of software development best practices. - Extensive UI Design and UX experience. - High awareness and understanding of different iPhone and Android platform. My skills are: - MVP and MVVM architectures with ReactiveX, Dependency Injection, Retrofit,... - ARKit, Augmented Reality, Unity - Integration of third party (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google+). - Google Map and GPS tracking. - Integration ADs. - In-app purchase. - Integration Payment gateway: Apple Pay, Paypal, Stripe, Braintree. - Material design. - Clean architecture for a scalable project. I am excited to partner with you! Best regards, Christopher