Author, Ghost Writer, Editor Lisa is mature, competent and gifted at stepping into the shoes of the story-teller in order to convey the desired message and tone to the audience. She understands the importance of conveying trust in your brand or product and discovering new proverbial ways to engage your audience. REASONING Lisa applies scientific/technical/logical thinking (to the fullest extent this ability exists) when identifying and analysing situations. She is motivated and mentally equipped to recognize or otherwise identify problems. Journalism and writing are major activities. Literary activity is not exclusively intellectual, academic, or cultural. Literary and communicative abilities are a developed talent. Lisa is strongly motivated to apply thinking to the big picture through holistic ideas, concepts, options, and strategies. DATA Lisa is sparked by the synthesis of ideas and concepts. Perception and thinking are therefore holistic and conceptual. Philosophical and intuitive processes are involved. Scientific, managerial, and/or literary preferences may also be involved. This is an overview and scanning activity that includes ideas, concepts, theory, fiction, hypothesis and assessment. Independent Coursework Courses completed 2014: • Effective Reasoning (Prof. David Sadava) • Critical Decision Making (Bryant University) • Transformational Leadership (Bryant University) • Critical Thinking (Prof. Steven Novella) • Human-Computer Interaction (Stanford) • Page Quality Rating (Google) • Journalistic Ethics (Jim Newton UCLA)