Create a Professionally Edited Promotional Video (45-60s) Who is this Package For? You want to show off your brand, your expertise/authority, or your intellectual property in a way that captivates your audience and is professionally produced. We got your back. Simply give us your completed storyboard with your raw footage, your text, your logo, and color palette; your images or concepts and we'll help you get it together. (3 Revisions). What You'll Get: You give us your completed storyboard, any footage, audio you need used (e.g your iphone recording of you speaking) and the text you wish to display and any other tonal preferences and we will create a 45-60 second linear video edited to your brand and concept. Note: some stock footage can be provided. Estimated Delivery Duration: 2-weeks, depending on timely inputs and review and feedback. *Note: Royalty-free, creative commons images and footage may be used. Shoud you wish to include something specific you may purchase the files to provide to us in your concept brief. ** Note time frame depends on the Business Owner's ability to develop inputs required to complete promptly.