Have you been searching and scouring this website for a fresh, enthusiastic, versatile, ambitious, bright, talented, practiced, and intelligent writer? Well, look no further, for you have found the right candidate to fulfil your writing needs! My comprehensive education up to the mid-university level, in conjunction with my natural affiliation for literacy, has provided me with experience in all genres, categories, and fields of writing; and remarkable skill/specialization in some! I am currently a full-time university student, with a sharp mind, unprecedented potential, and the burning desire to prove myself in the writing world. My sheer syntactical proficiency, unmatched compositional dexterity, mastery of the English language, and young mind brimming with ideas will totally eclipse any presumption of my lack of professional experience. I am eagerly and overtly prepared to take on every single varied writing task that I can get my hands on! The two attached portfolios represent the best and most professional examples of my recent work.