I am an experienced computer programmer working freelance full time, specializing in C/C++ and PHP/Javascript languages. Desktop Apps (Windows/Linux), Games, Web Dev, Wordpress, Arduino. My areas of expertise: I am best at writing portable C/C++ code that works both in Linux and Windows. This is possible thank to free portable libraries like FLTK, SDL, Qt and such. Doing freelance job since February 2012 (on vWorker). My preference is to do small projects (up to a month). Among other things, I have experience writing a library to open unusual file format like ZVI - image file format used in Zeiss digital microscopes. My another was a GUI Windows app to control fireworks modules connected to the network using udp protocol. Lots of small projects such as simple games like Lunar Lander, a "simple C++ text game" and so on. Also I program websites using PHP/MySQL, have quite a bit of professional experience integrating PayPal, Sagepay, Google and Facebook login, a lot of Google maps API jobs, including some advanced ones. I use object-oriented approach in PHP, can work projects from scratch without (or with) dependence on CMS like WordPress, or any of php libraries like CodeIgnite or CakePHP. In Javascript, I tend to use jQuery a lot, but can work without it if necessary. Fixing broken css/html/javascript/php code is also one of my strong sides. I have developed quite a few wordpress plugins and themes (only the programming part), ranging from simple shortcode plugins to complex interactive graphical editors, such as product customization and shopping