All Services Programming & Development Programming $50/hr · Starting at $25 Project Experience AD-Servers. Com Chief Technology Officer (2000-2001) I was responsible for all development and implementation of the Latent Time Advertising Technology (US Patent 6,067,570) I am an ongoing majority shareholder of the company and provide consulting services to the development team. FirstBingo. Com CTO & Head of Operations. (1999-2000) I was the Chief Technology Officer and Head of Operations for this Internet Bingo game. The company was sold to a Toronto based group who changed the game design into a trivia based game. This web site was put together in five days from concept to completion. The back-end software systems took eight months to develop and test with a budget of $750,000. Cardstakes. Com CTO & Head of Operations. (1999-2000) I was the Chief Technology Officer and Head of Operations for this Internet Greeting Card/Sweepstakes game. The web site can be seen here. This web site was put together in five days from concept to completion. About $50/hr · Ongoing Download Resume Project Experience AD-Servers. Com Chief Technology Officer (2000-2001) I was responsible for all development and implementation of the Latent Time Advertising Technology (US Patent 6,067,570) I am an ongoing majority shareholder of the company and provide consulting services to the development team. FirstBingo. Com CTO & Head of Operations. (1999-2000) I was the Chief Technology Officer and Head of Operations for this Internet Bingo game. The company was sold to a Toronto based group who changed the game design into a trivia based game. This web site was put together in five days from concept to completion. The back-end software systems took eight months to develop and test with a budget of $750,000. Cardstakes. Com CTO & Head of Operations. (1999-2000) I was the Chief Technology Officer and Head of Operations for this Internet Greeting Card/Sweepstakes game. The web site can be seen here. This web site was put together in five days from concept to completion. Skills & Expertise AdvertisingAirAnalyticsAnimationAssemblerBanking SystemsBasicBlackberryCC++cnmConsultingCrisis ManagementCzech LanguageExcelFlashHTMLLinuxMicrosoftPerlPHPReal TimeShockwaveSQLVisio 1 Reviews Bruce_Bleaman says, He understood the project very quickly. The code was very efficient and was completed in far less than than we anticipated. We are VERY HAPPY with the work. for Scrape information from a web site on May 14, 2007 Browse Similar Freelance Experts PHP DevelopersAdvertising ConsultantsSQL DevelopersAnimatorsHTML DevelopersC ProgrammersBlackberry DevelopersMicrosoft DevelopersPerl DevelopersC++ DevelopersCrisis Managers