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Programming & Development


$80/hr Starting at $25

We are two people with over 40 years of combined work experience. Of this, approximately 20 years was focused on applying technology to create business value. We excel at translating business requirements into technical solutions. We are native English writers and speakers. Key competencies include: - Java software design, development and maintenance, recently focused on Spring and OSGi - TCP/IP networking, including firewalls, proxies, DNS, routing, and load balancing - Software integration, including message queuing and web services - Cryptography (encryption / digital signatures) including SSL/TLS, SSH and PIN security - Problem investigation and resolution - Development environment setup, including version control, testing, and collaboration tools - Strong work ethic, responsible, and clear and effective communication - Team leadership, teaching and mentoring- Full range of business skills, complemented by an MBA and extensive work experience, including at senior levels


$80/hr Ongoing

Download Resume

We are two people with over 40 years of combined work experience. Of this, approximately 20 years was focused on applying technology to create business value. We excel at translating business requirements into technical solutions. We are native English writers and speakers. Key competencies include: - Java software design, development and maintenance, recently focused on Spring and OSGi - TCP/IP networking, including firewalls, proxies, DNS, routing, and load balancing - Software integration, including message queuing and web services - Cryptography (encryption / digital signatures) including SSL/TLS, SSH and PIN security - Problem investigation and resolution - Development environment setup, including version control, testing, and collaboration tools - Strong work ethic, responsible, and clear and effective communication - Team leadership, teaching and mentoring- Full range of business skills, complemented by an MBA and extensive work experience, including at senior levels

Skills & Expertise

AccessAnalyticsApacheApache JMeterApache SpamAssassinApache StrutsApache XMLBeansBasicBugzillaBusiness RequirementsClamAVCollectionsConsultingCryptographyCVSCyrusDesignDNSDomDosEclipseEjbEnglish LanguageERwinExcelFirewallsFreeBSDGitHibernateHTTPIMAPIntelliJ IDEAiptablesJ2EEJavaJava SwingJBossJDBCJfcJmsJndiJSPLdapLeadershipLinuxLoad BalancingLog4jMagentoManagementManagement ConsultingMsMySQLNagiosNetworkingNfsOpenVPNOperating SystemsOracleOsgipfSensePHPPlPL/SQLPostfixPythonRational RoseRdbmsRequirements AnalysisRmiSambaSecuritySendmailServletsShell ScriptingSoapSoftware DesignSolarisSQLSQLiteSshSSLSubversionSystem AdministrationTapestryTcp/ipTeachingTestingTibcoTomcatTracUMLVelocityVersion ControlVisual BasicVMwareWeb DevelopmentWeb ServersWeb ServicesWebLogicWebSphereWindowsXMLXPathXQueryXSLT

9 Reviews

  • John_W1 says,

    Superb guy, don't miss him. He is the great tech guy.

    for ssl server for epp on Dec 12, 2010

  • John_W1 says,

    Too good, no doubt I will recommend him for big and small projects. In my view, he is pretty good for tough projects. We really working with him, like his honesty and commitment.

    for SSL Server programming (Need expert) on Aug 23, 2010

  • Ed_Levy says,

    GG Consulting completed the design phase to our complete satisfaction. They came up with a nice design, communicated frequently and clearly, and addressed our questions. They clearly understood the business process and requirements instead of just focusing on the technology. We are looking forward to the other deliverables in the project.

    for Design Quotation and Order System on Aug 17, 2010

  • TAB Networks says,

    GG Consulting completed the project to our complete satisfaction. Throughout, they have displayed professionalism, attention to detail, excellent communications skills, and an excellent work ethic. Anyone who needs high quality assistance would be well served to consider GG Consulting. We would be very happy to work with them again.

    for ActiveMQ servlet (Tomcat) on Aug 11, 2010

  • TAB Networks says,

    GG Consulting exceeded our expectations with the testing. The results were very comprehensive and well presented. In addition, they reviewed the results with us at several key points and modified the testing based on our feedback. The appropriate tools were used to perform the testing and to present the results in sufficient but not overwhelming detail.

    for ActiveMQ servlet (Tomcat) on Aug 06, 2010