PHP,ASP,.NET,VB,C/C++,MYSQL,MSSQL,JAVA,FLASH,CMS,ERP,SAP Consagous Technologies Pvt Ltd, is a company that offers invetive, up to date adroit webdesign,content dovelopment, software devlopment , CRM-ERP , CMS , best qualiti internet marketing, back-end integration and devlopment, skilfull IT solution at affordable cost.Consagous is technology netural solution provider. We can devlop and integrate solution across braod range of technologies.Our experts are competent veteran team can undertake many popular technologies like PHP, ASP, .NET, JAVA Script, MYSQL, MSSQL, ORACLE, MS ACCESS and many more.The Value are :People : Our People are the cornerstone of the business.Indivisual dignity is respected and is given prime importance in the organization teamwork. We respect and support team decision.Business value & Ethics : We aim to constantly add value to our customer's requirement and expectations through our cutting edge technology solution.Virtual effects : A wide range of expe