What sets me apart in the jungle of software developers is my ability to think through the product/business idea and convert the idea into a feasible and clean code. I have been praised by many for my skills at object oriented design and analysis (software deisgn, in layman''s term)
In last 5 years in the industry, I have a unique experience of working on large/distributed systems as well smaller ones. I have worked for fortune 500 clients too helping them build world class solutions to run their business on.
In my current assignment I'm whole and sole designer of an unique and innovative Instant Messenger security solution.
I'm a developer who believes in quality and customer satisfaction. My single-most strength is my sheer ability to design the software and software modules in no-time. My designs are praised by many veterans.
I'm also an expert C#.NET programmer and very good at Object Oriented Design and Analysis. If you have a complicated software design requirement then