I have core 5 years R&D experience in NLP and Machine Translation at Language Technology lab at Computer Science deppt of prestigious IIT Kanpur and at CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), a govenment research organisation. For last 8 months, I am working exclusively on NLP projects as a freelancer.
My relevant experience is distributed in two parts as follows:
1) NLP work at Langauage Technology Lab at IIT Kanpur & CDAC Noida (Jan-2003 to Mar-2008): Detail of work is in attached document file.
2) NLP work as freelancer (May-2008 till date): This basically includes two projects-
(A) Natural Language processing/machine learning work, related to identifying the technologies and search for how people talk about these technologies in a large corpus of emails; identify organization patterns from people's conversations. This project also includes machine learning model that learns from the way in which to tag random samples of the corpus and assigns probability di