We have developed several applications you can download from: http://www.shark-software.com . We have a website http://www.flashgreetingscards.com that we developed and We also specialize in developing facebook applications for example:http://apps.facebook.com/anniversary_ac/ Olga KarpushinLeon Bloom 30/14 Tel: 0506685756Haifa, Israel E-Mail: olgakarpushin@yahoo.com2004-today Shark Software Incorporated St Louis, MOSoftware Developer § Software Developer in Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic.NET C#.NET, Delphi, Visual C++. § Web Developer ASP ASP.NET, PHP , HTML, FLASH, MySQL, SQL Server. 2004 Course in College Mediatec Haifa, IsraelCourse Visual C++ , .NET in College MEDIATEC2003 Course Freehand and Photoshop Haifa, IsraelCourse Freehand and Photoshop in College Sivan 2000-2003 ISD Haifa, IsraelSoftware Developer§ Developing CRM software.1997-2000 Practical Engineer Studies Haifa, IsraelPractical Engineer in Technion Haifa § C/C++, Pascal, Visual Basic.Databasing.