WE have developed Intranet and Internet applications for major companies using Asp.net, Ado.net, Vb.net ,asp, Oracle, Sql server 2000, XML.
1)Intranet for Envirogem Inc - Waste Water Treatment Intranet application for big companies.Technologies used Asp.net, Adp.net,XML,Javascript.
2)Alliancelogistical - Truck and plane tracking system - Technologies used - Asp,Xml, Javascript
3)FightFax - Official world boxing database presentation. Technologies used - Asp.net and Ado.net - www.Fightfax.com
4)Sub Contract for Delphi auto Ltd. - Return Material authorization apllication for delphi and its clients - Asp.net,ado.net and Oracle 8i
5)cartel Marketing -Online auction store
6)Allfloridatickets - Online Shopping cart Asp,Javascript and access.