Name: American DataMed Online Reporting System
Client: American Datamed, Newport Beach, CA
Duration: May 2001 - present
Technology: Active Server Pages, OLE DB, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle 8
Technical lead and systems analyst who created an Internet application which allows orders to be created and tracked for patients and tied to multiple medical providers.
Name: TradeTelligent, Inc.
Client: Cotelligent, Jacksonville, FL
Duration: July 2001 - August 2001
Technology: ASP.NET, VB.NET, Active Server Pages, HTML, JavaScript, XML, SQL Server
Technical lead, designer and developer for a mock brokerage system that allows brokers in a firm to buy/sell stocks, perform research and get the latest stock prices. Implemented using Microsoft's latest dot NET technologies.
Name: Loan Exchange
Client: Competix, San Francisco, CA
Duration: December 20001 - July 2001
Technology: Active Server Pages, ODBC, HTML, JavaScript, SQL Server 7, MTS, Visual Basic, V