I’m currently employed full-time as a contract engineer by an outsource company at Pratt & Whitney, but I’m looking for a side job that will pose more of a challenge. I specialize in image processing, data analysis, and controls software development.As an undergraduate I wrote a MATLAB code with a GUI to analyze experimental images during a summer internship, and was selected by the organizer of the program to present the tool at an upcoming conference. A good portion of my M.S. thesis at Virginia Tech involved writing a similar program, and my research won a school-wide competition for graduating engineers. Since beginning my career, I have used that MATLAB programming experience as a foundation to teach myself Python and VBA. The Pratt & Whitney group I work with uses in-house code to validate changes in engine control software. In my spare time between projects I took the initiative to learn these languages and have used that knowledge to fix bugs, automate commo