Objective-C, Android, JavaScript, Backbone, CSS, HTML 5, Core Java, MongoDB, J2EE,PHP, Web development , BPM tools,DataStructures, Algorithms I am an Agile developer (Sun certified in Java) with more than 6 years of experience in IT industry. In past 6 years I have worked in Investment Banking Domain and Telecommunication domain. I have also worked on Business Intelligence domain. These are the major technologies I've used: Objective CAndroidJavaScriptNodeJavaSpringSpring MVCHibernateStrutsStripesCoherenceXML ParsersJsp/ServletsI have also worked on JavaScript language. I have used following JavaScript frameworks:Backbone.jsRequireJSunderscoreYUIExtjsjQueryUnit testing has also been a major part of my experience and I have used following frameworks:MockitoPowerMockJasmineUnitilsDBUnitJMockJunitFITBesides these, I've used Ajax, JSON, XML, Web Services and XML Parsers like SAX and STAX.I have experience in PL/SQL, reporting tools like BIRT and IBPM tool for Business Process Manage