The Hartford Insurance Hartford, Connecticut Mar 2004- Present
Database Developer
Design, Develop and Maintain a Graphical User Interface Using MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC to keep track of the training process held by the insurance office, designed the DB layout, built forms for data entry, data retrieval, built queries, created search engines using VBA code, created modules and generated reports.
Environment: Windows XP, MS Access XP, ORACLE 9.2, ODBC, OLEDB, ADO
Project name: GUI for Black Hills National Forest (BHNF), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Agricultural Non-Point Source (AGNPS) Projects.
Environment: Windows 2000, GIS (ARC GIS)
Backend: MS Access 2000
Designed graphical user interfaces using MS Access database. Integrated Microsoft Access Database with ARC GIS and imported the data from the database to ARC GIS and created events, shape files and base map and the map layouts for various projects