I started in Information Technology in 1987 working for Function One Consulting. With Function One, I wrote numerous macros in Lotus 1-2-3, X-base and Basic applications for mid-sized companies in Wausau, Wisconsin. In 1994, I founded jadenet. This Internet Service Provider grew quickly to 4,200 users spanning 8 locations.At Speche Communications, as a Senior Software Engineer, I wrote the broadcast server and the client used to broadcast and display all Speche events. The server was written in C# and provides encrypted HTTP and HTTPS (SSL/TLS) streams. The client was written in Java. I wrote a Transcript Server that provides HTML formatted transcripts in real-time for live Legal events. I engineered components to the Speche website written in C# using ASP.NET.I also held a contract engagement for Cummins Dessil. I worked with the engineers to build testing rigs designed to test parts for large diesel engines. Based on the engineers' specifications, I wrote the software to run