Who am I?
- I'm Anand, a full-stack developer and a designer with experience in Frontend, Backend, and Web Designing
- I have 2+ years of development and design.
- I specialize in developing progressive web applications (PWA) with VueJS.
Technologies stack :
- Frontend: VueJS, PWA, Vuex, Vuetify, Javascript, Typescript,
- Cloud: Firebase (Auth, Firestore, Storage, Hosting), Netlify, Heroku, Okteto
- Backend: NodeJS, Django, FastAPI
- Database : MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3
- Version Management: Git, BitBucket
What is a Progressive Web App?
A progressive web app includes the following features:
- Responsive Design
- Mobile Features Access (Phone Call, Notification Push)
- Home screen shortcut
- Installation independently from stores
How do I work?
- Get application specifications from the client.
- Take an existing mock-up or start from scratch.
- Develop the PWA.
- Deploy the PWA.