Over the last 10 years, I have been developing modern websites using Magento, Opencart, Zend framework, symfony, Joomla, Drupal, Cake php with Doctrine ORM, Mysql, Xhtml, jQuery, Xml, Redis, Memcache, Gearman, Sphinx, Supervisord, PHPUnit, DBUnit, REST full API, GIT, github, bitbucket, Amazon S3 API, Advanced user *nix OS. For agile development I usually use scrum. I have been consulted plenty number of requests so far ranging from Mobile app development, Web site development, web applications to Desktop software's etc. I can help you create your online presence, and make sure that your products and services are highlighted in an attractive way, and reach your target audience. Why you should choose me? I also have vast experience in Flash/HTML5 Products. I have developed a number of Flash games and their subsequent HTML5 versions (Using HTML5 and Javascript) so as they support IOS and other mobile devices. I am easily available for Communication in Indian Working time as well US Working time via Skype, Direct Phone Call and Apple Facetime/iMessage.