I am working as a project manager from last 1 year and as Backend developer individually from last 4 years. I have a team with developers having skills iOS/Android/Node.js/Angular.js/php also designers team with HTML/CSS/Photoshop/Sketch skilled. I can take care of every phase and end of mobile application and website from design, development, backend services, admin panel, database and website to submission on appstore as well as playstore. You will get build for installation on your phone during application development to get update the status of the work. Experienced in.. - C, C++, C#, Java, Php, Dot Net, Matlab, AI, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Pearl, Python, Laravel Framework, Codeignitor, Cake Php, perl, algorithms, simulations, multi threading, VLSI, shell scripting, c shell, bash shell, VHDL, verilog, BDD, EDA, Paraller Programming, CUDA, System Verilog, Hmetis -Iot -blockchain -AWS, Amazon ECS, Linux Hosting, Different Deployments, Jenkin, automated deployments through web -wordpress, magento, joomla, abantecart -Html5, CSS3, bootstrap, Angular Js, Javascript, Ajax, - Social Media Apis (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin) - Firebase Integration (Chatting, Push Notification and Analytics) - Payment Gateway (Stripe, Paypal, Paytm, Pay-U Money, In App Purchase) - Analytics (Google Analytics, Fabric Answers, Mixpanel, Facebook Analytics) - Database (MongoDB, MySql, PostgreSQL, Redis) - Javascript libraries (Socket.io, lodash, mocha, supertest, moment, async, promise, generators, mongoose, pasport, jwt tokens, phantomjs, should, sinon, d3.js) - Web services (JSON, XML in REST and SOAP) - API Integrations (Google place API, Google Image API, Google Search Engine) - Git, Bitbucket, SourceTree and SmartGit uses - Linux -software design following GOF design principle -data structure, memory management -RabbitMq, OpenCV Image Processing -Various Servers