Worry no more writers! Your personal copy editor is here to make positive changes and bring a new life into your work.
Hi, I'm Emily. With my editing services, I have worked with several writers and publishers, and I have completed a lot of projects which turned out well. I am very passionate about your writing, and I am here to bring you into the spotlight.
My services include:
Proofreading: Correcting your grammar, punctuation, spelling, verb tense, and other technical aspects of your work.
Editing: Analyzing your word choice, sentence structure, syntax, and various larger scale techniques in your document.
Feedback: Providing suggestions, comments, useful knowledge, and advice on improving your writing.
Your delivery will include two documents:
Rough Copy: Featuring my edits, markups, and suggestions.
Clean Copy: Featuring my changes made into your writing.
Send me your document in one of these file types: .doc.
I will be awaiting your orders!