I can also provide assistance when you run into a writer's roadblock. All the ideas are there, but for some reason the document is not coming together as clearly or concisely as you wish. Perhaps you're pressed for time or maybe you're just too close to the document and need a fresh set of eyes to re-read and rearrange what you've written. I specialize in a wide range of writing formats - business correspondence, personal letters, articles, blog entries, speeches, scripts, presentations, classified ads, fictional stories, presentations, brochure copy, reports, short stories, essays, news features, proposals, cover letters, and much more. My goal is to make sure what your masterpiece is well-written and easy to understand, so your audience focuses on the message, not the errors. As I read through your materials I'll ask myself the following questions: What is the writer trying to say? Do the words used express those messages? Are the images and idioms used clear? Are those images fresh or overused clichés? Can the piece be shortened? Is the tone respectful and clear? Has the writer made his/her point? I'm here to make you look brilliant. Even the simplest letter can be extremely powerful if it’s written so the reader understands the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the matter.